Daniel Obeng Acquah, a lecturer at the University of Media Arts and Communication – Institute of Journalism organized a thought-provoking seminar in collaboration with the Department of Integrated Social Sciences. The seminar focused on Africanism and skin colorization, with a resounding message: Africans should be proud of themselves and their identity.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Acquah emphasized that Africans should not belittle themselves or their heritage. He encouraged the audience to embrace their natural beauty and reject harmful practices like skin bleaching, which perpetuates damaging social norms.

The seminar aimed to raise awareness about the importance of self-acceptance and self-love among Africans. Mr. Acquah’s presentation highlighted the need to challenge harmful societal beauty standards and promote inclusive beauty standards that celebrate African features.

The seminar sparked a lively discussion, with participants engaging on the complex issues surrounding skin colorization. Mr. Acquah’s message resonated with the audience, inspiring a sense of pride and self-worth. As he emphasized, “Let us celebrate our African identity and embrace our natural beauty.”