Reverend Michael Ayeh Otu, the District Minister for the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Koforidua – Mile 50, has expounded on the gospel with emphasis on the importance of having Jesus Christ by one’s side. This occurred at the Koforidua Ascension Congregation on a Special Sunday set aside for revered Ministers of the Church to minister from pulpits other than their usual ones (CHANGE OF PULPIT). Rev. Michael Ayeh Otu highlighted that human beings enjoy numerous benefits from our association with one another. He cited the blessing the sons of Prophets enjoyed from their association with Elisha (2 Kings 6:1-7) as an example.

He mentioned the situation at the River Jordan, emphasizing that it would have been miserable if Elisha had not been with the sons of the Prophets. Rev. Michael Ayeh Otu also referred to another situation Moses found himself in, hence his request for the presence of God as in Exodus 33: 1ff.

Rev. Ayeh Otu emphasized that for human beings to enjoy unlimited benefits, we all need the presence of the Omniscient Jesus Christ with us or by our side. Having Jesus Christ with us/by our side means we have the one in whom dwells the fullness of the creator of the universe (Col. 1:19). This assures us of comfort and moral support to make life better.

The District Minister pointed out that this also means the sovereign Lord, who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth, is with us (Matt. 28:18), assuring to be with us always even unto the end of the world (Matt. 28:20b). He emphasized that Jesus Christ associates with the children of God and is always for the good of such children, whatever concerns them, concerns Him.

Rev. Michael Ayeh Otu, the District Minister, further expounded on numerous facts, including helping us through the Holy Spirit to understand the Scriptures, gaining knowledge to avoid ignorance of the devices of the evil one, assuring us of His presence with us wherever and whenever to deliver us, supplying our needs according to His riches in glory, strengthening our faith to prevent being swayed by other doctrines, and making us His witnesses to speak about His Birth, Suffering, Death, and Resurrection to bring others to repentance and salvation.

Jesus Christ is at our side to confirm His words we speak with signs and wonders, help us witness effectively, understand the real needs of the people we witness to, deliver us from the temptation of preying on the vulnerability of desperate help seekers, hunger and thirst after His righteousness to be filled, remain in faith with a pure heart to be like Him and see Him when He appears in glory, and be of pure heart awaiting His second coming.

Rev. Ayeh Otu finally made a call on people who are yet to repent to do so in order to have Jesus Christ by/at their side.

Source: Kumwuramhene Sampson
Credit: Nana Kwasi Asare