Honourable Mavis Opokua Ackonor, newly sworn in District Chief Executive of Asuogyaman, has stated that, she’s poised to make Asuogyaman work again with a mission of projecting the district both locally and internationally to attract the right investment to improve education, health, sanitation, socio-economic activities, tourism development and living conditions of the people among others.

Honourable Mavis Opokua Ackonor was sworn into office as the first ever female District Chief Executive of Asuogyaman, after being confirmed by the Assembly Members with 51 out of 53 votes representing 92.22% at the Assembly Hall, Akosombo in the Eastern Region of Ghana on Thursday 22nd February, 2024 supervised by the District Electoral Commission Officials.

In her acceptance speech, Honourable Mavis Opokua Ackonor expressed her utmost gratitude to God Almighty, President Nana Akufo-Addo and the Eastern Regional Minister for the opportunity to serve the people of Asuogyaman diligently without fear or favour for the greater good of the district and the nation at large.

She thanked the leaders of the three traditional councils of the area (Akwamu, Anum and Boso-Gua), Asuogyaman NPP Executives and continued to appreciate the Assembly Members for their overwhelming endorsement and added that, it’s a demonstration of the trust the people of Asuogyaman has reposed in her.

Honourable Mavis Opokua Ackonor further, pledged her commitment to work in truth and harmony with the Assembly and all stakeholders to continue the good works initiated by her predecessor and further improve upon them in a well coordinated manner to enhance the standards of living of the people.

She again called for unity amongst the ranks and files of the district and said, her office will not relent on their wise counsels to thrive development in a participatory approach for the general well-being of the district and the country as a whole.

Honourable Seth kwame Acheapong in his delivery, commended the Assembly Members for their massive confirmation of the District Chief Executive.

He urged civil servants in the Assembly to stay cordial and work hand in hand with the DCE together with the Assembly Members to seek development for the district.

The Eastern Regional Minister posited that, best practices of the local government laws must be respected and applied at all times and rally behind Government to ensure socio-economic development of the district and the country as a whole.

Credit: Nana Kwame George