Hon. Gifty Twum-Ampofo, affectionately known as Hajia Kande in political circles, addressed the Abuakwa North Municipality on May 30, 2024, to recount her tenure as the Member of Parliament for eight years. The assembly’s first ordinary meeting of the third general assembly session took place at the Assembly Hall in Kukurantumi, Eastern Region of Ghana.

During her presentation, Hon. Gifty Twum-Ampofo showcased selected completed and ongoing development projects across various sectors in the municipality. These included initiatives in human capacity building through employment and artisanal training, health, and road infrastructure etc.

As the former Deputy Minister of Education in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), she highlighted significant educational advancements. These achievements have garnered regional, national, and international recognition. Key projects included the renovation of dilapidated school buildings, construction of ultramodern kindergarten facilities, and the ongoing construction of 14 new basic school blocks in different communities. Additional efforts included building a Municipal Education Office, providing whiteboards and markers to all basic schools, dual desks, bunk beds, mattresses, school buses, and pickups for all three Senior High Schools, constructing girls’ dormitories for two Senior High Schools, and supplying motorbikes to circuit supervisors. Twum-Ampofo also organized and sponsored various educational programs.

Expressing gratitude to the Assembly for their support during her tenure, Hon. Gifty Twum-Ampofo urged the Assembly to continue prioritizing education after her term ends in January 2025, to build on the successes achieved.

Assembly members praised Hon Gifty Twum-Ampofo’s efforts, with Hon. Atta Agyei Boateng of Old Tafo Abease Electoral Area rating her performance at 90 out of 100. He encouraged her to continue her commendable work for the socio-economic development of the municipality and the country.