The parliamentary proceedings that was supposed to take place on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, has been postponed until Thursday, June 29, 2023. The ongoing by-election in Assin North forced the adjournment.

The Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, cited quorum-related issues, which led to the decision to adjourn. Only 14 members of parliament were present for the session on Tuesday, with three from the minority caucus and eleven from the majority side.

James Agalga, the Minority Caucus leader who was accessible, seconded Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu’s proposal to adjourn due to the low turnout.

As a result, parliamentary business will resume on Thursday, June 29, 2023, enabling more Members of Parliament to attend and participate.

“There is a very important activity that is taking place outside of Parliament and many of our colleagues are taking part in that enterprise. It is significant to observe in today’s sitting that the Majority outnumbers the Minority by 300 percent and so I recommend we deal with just the presentation of papers and when we are done, I believe we take an adjournment and so I will plead that we alter the business for today.”

James Agalga on his part refuted that the Majority outnumbered the Minority and said “It is obvious that we are not properly constituted to transact any meaningful business but before we even get to the point of getting those objections, if it is about the presentation of papers, I don’t think that should cause us any injury and we may yield and do the presentation and take it from there.”